Thursday 1 September 2011


Just a very quick thank you for your continuing support - last month was the best month for audience views in it's history, with 6289 throughout August. The Weymouth posts were particularly popular, as was my older story about Wilts & Dorset's X5. News just in is that Stagecoach Swindon & District have registered a route 5 between Swindon and Salisbury - we are not sure yet what the actual details of the route are - as an enthusiast, I naturally hope for some competition and a new operator regularly working into Salisbury. Will have to wait and see on that one.

Anyway, back to the stats - Plymothian Transit (2640 - highest overall) and Omnibuses (283 - highest last month) are still my top referrers - thank you to both blog owners for your support.

Looking ahead, the post count will be down but I will make sure it doesn't tail off like it did in early summer. I will probably post twice a week plus my Sunday scene - I will try to do more but we'll have to see.

Thanks again,


  1. Glad you are still getting plenty of hits through PT, especially after all the issues I have been having! Keep up the great work

  2. Yes, everything is fine Graham, PT was only about 15 behind Omnibuses last month even with the issues you've been having :-)

    Thanks again,
