Saturday 11 February 2012

Truronian in Fareham

Truronian's 20557 (TT05TRU) was a special visitor in to Fareham this morning...

Now I am reliably informed this is a Volvo B12B / Plaxton Panther, although as regular blog viewers will know, I am not too good at coaches. I am not sure why it is in Fareham - either a Truronian tour, or replacement for Greyhound. Certainly not rail replacement as all services were operating as usual today, and RR services don't often go into Fareham bus station anyway. 

Certainly added interest alongside the usual - however the Barbie will be disturbed in the near future with the arrival of Eclipse. The bus station as it is now will be changed soon  for ever.


  1. The O-Disc issue of Greyhound running under Truronian for a while (if not still) would suggest that it is entirely possible that this is a hire-in for the recently intensified Greyhound services.

    There is also another plausible thought that it is covering one of the National Express 315 diagrams? Not sure who has the contract for them though to be honest.

  2. Hi Darren,

    Since I posted this blog entry, it has been confirmed that 20557 is on loan to cover Greyhound MOTs.


  3. The old First Devon and Cornwall 315 Nat Ex workings passed to Parks of Hamilton (Plymouth ex Trathens branch!) a year or more ago.

    Shame they haven't got any windscreen boards/stickers for loan coaches on Greyhound.

  4. The boards were on another coach as we had two coaches up for MOT that week... I am the driver of this coach
