Monday 14 February 2011

January's stats

2011 has been a good year for this blog so far - I've tried to give a spread of frequent-ish postings - 4 or so a week, and I think I've varied the topics well - comments welcome to whether you disagree or agree! Last week, posts were down but my other commitments that prevented photographs/posts last week have now been lifted.

January stats -
Total views - 3570 - up by over 1500 since November. I'm also now averaging over 100 visits per day consistently. Thank you for all of your support.
Most popular topics - Visit to Caerphilly (I may try and increase the Welsh posts), Winter in Ryde, BlueStar serving Lymington.
Most popular referring site - Plymothian Transit (again, thank you very much Graham); secondly my fotopic site.
Worldwide Audience - After Britain; USA, Latvia, Germany and Hong Kong were the most frequent visitors - thank you for your support. I really do appreciate it, and it makes operating such a blog very rewarding.

Finally, I finish on a photo of BlueStar's Dennis Dart SLF 3344 (HX51LPN), pictured in their Barton Park (Eastleigh) depot. This is the most popular photograph on my fotopic site at the mo, not sure why. I was really happy to get 3344 on camera last Saturday - apart from when I photographed it in its first week in service, it has avoided me ever since! Thanks for viewing.

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