Wednesday 1 December 2010

Report Card

My blog has been going for three months now, so I thought I'd quickly let you know how it is getting on. Having never owned a blog, and with the site viewing stats for my First Hants & Dorset website mildly confusing/inactive, I'm not sure how comparable/successful these are to other blogs!

All time page views:
September: 2053 views, 15posts
October: 2053 views, 9posts
November: 2037 views, 8posts

Most popular posts:
1. Weymouth's Open Toppers (my first ever post)
2. Unilink's new PVLs (I assume extra views due to increased interest from London)
3. Ugo - The Hampshire Network
4. Ugo to Southampton
5. Truro cuts

Most frequent referring sources:
1. Plymothian Transit (thank you, Graham)
2. My fotopic site- Southern England Bus Photos
3. Google
4. The First Hants & Dorset Unofficial Website
5. The Provincial Society

Location of Viewers:
5, 943 from the UK, 82 from the USA, 37 from South Africa, 16 from Spain, Turkey and Japan, with smaller amounts from other countries.

Thank you all very much for your support and time in viewing my blog. I think it has gone quite well: with falling post numbers but steady visitor numbers, I feel the blog is growing in terms of audience. The most popular posts (naturally to blogs) refer to items of news which are developing at that moment in time, so I will try to keep topic on what is occuring. I've succeeded in my aim of covering the majority of the south, rather than simply Hampshire, and have a sizeable audience from the south west. I'll try and keep the locations varied - as the days get lighter in the new year this should be easier.

Thanks for viewing. I leave you with my most recent photo - BlueStar 2001 (YN06CGO) which I quickly grabbed in Portswood high street yesterday. Not especially a great photo, but I'm struggling to find the time to get new photographic content at the mo so it'll have to do for now.


  1. Keep up the good work, but please post more on a regular basis. At least 30 of those are me, as I always open up a list of blogs to read over breakfast, and yours is one of them.

  2. Happy to send people across to what is turning out to be an enjoyable blog. Keep up the good work!

    Plymothian Transit

  3. Thanks for your kind comments- I'll try and update it more often. Just a lack of time, but I'm doing okay so far this month.
